I'm back! Sorry! Here's the long and short of it: I was working 2 "full time" jobs for pretty much all of April. Soooo yeah. I haven't made it to the gym a whole heck of a lot, but I have been a few times. Nichole has a spin class in the evenings, too, so I'm planning on switching to that one. I didn't go tonight because I'm busy getting ready to go up to my sister's graduation this wknd. But after this week my schedule will FINALLY be what is now considered "normal" (although it's taken me 4 wks now to consider waking up before dawn as anything other than cruel and unusual. Lol). My plan is to go to spin on Wednesday nights, train on Fridays, and work out on my own on Saturdays an Sunday's. There's also a couple spin classes Saturday morning that I may try to start going to. =) I've still been trying to eat right and I've actually lost a couple lbs even thought I've worked out like 3 times the whole month of April. Mostly because I'm on my feet the majority of the day so I'm burning a lot more calories everyday. =)
So let me tell you about working out today! It sucked so much. Lol not really. I didn't even attempt cardio because tomorrow is gonna be loooong and I know I'm not in the same shape I was a couple weeks ago. Haha. But I hit upper body pretty hard (after talking to josh for like 20 mins) so I feel good about it. Especially bc it feels like I've been out for so long.
I've discovered these things called "compleats" and they have healthy ones that are like 280 calories for a pretty filling lunch. I mean, old Marissa would still be pretty hungry after one but I've been eating those and a piece of fruit for lunch pretty consistently for the last 3 wks. It seems to be working out. =) I'm also drinking a lot more green tea because ive read a couple different places that it can promote fat loss. So instead of sweet tea(which I was trying to stop drinking anyway) I've just pretty much switched to a big glass of diet green tea a day. =) I'm finding portion control a lot easier than it was a year ago. Even 6 months ago. I'm finding the urge to "pig out" steadily declining. It's pretty exciting.
Although my subconscious is still pretty angry about this whole lifestyle change apparently. I had a dream last week that I went to something at church (like a anniversary celebration or something) and they had a HUGE buffet of nothing but sweets and deserts. Like whole sections devoted to cakes, pies, ice cream, ice cream cakes, cookies, cookie cakes. And there was like this deli counter looking thing and in my dream I was like "oh good maybe I can go get a turkey sandwich or something" and I got there and it was nothing but birthday cakes behind the glass. White, chocolate, marble, different kinds of frosting, some sheet cakes, some layers. So I just started loading up my plate with all these kinds of cakes and pies and an ice cream sundae and ate it all and then took like 2 to-go containers. I woke up and I was like "WTF?!" lol. Apparently I really freaking wanted chocolate cake. It was so bizarre. Luckily nothing like that has happened...but if it does I will just leave and find the closest grilled chicken sandwich. ...but maybe grab a cupcake on the way out. =)
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