Monday, March 19, 2012

Luck of the Mexicans?

Had such a good weekend! Ate/drank way more than I should've, but I didn't gain any weight so it's a wash, I guess. Last week(after tuesday's pizza gorge) I was trying this thing where I didn't eat any carbs with my lunch. I think it helped but hard as I try I just can't maintain a low carb lifestyle. Maybe when my sister is home for summer she can help me and we can do it together. I think it's scientifically valid and obviously working for Cynthia but my inner fat kid thinks it's one step too far. Haha. And also I worry bc my family has high cholesterol anyway, what happens if I go on a diet where bacon is more valid than bread? What's more dangerous- high cholesterol or diabetes? Whomp whomp. Haha anyway, I just feel like I need to switch up my diet bc my body has gotten too used to what I've been doing.

I did hardcore legs today, which I haven't done in a while. Did 3 circuits of lunges, crab walks, 30 twists, 20 Jesus sit ups, 30 sec plank. That was with Josh, I only had 30 mins with him today. After that on my own I did 3x12 calf raises, 2 sets of leg presses(they were pretty tired), and 3x15 both hip abduction and adduction. Now this is a great workout by itself, even though I only burned 500 calories(although for 45 mins with no cardio is pretty awesome) but this is the kind that will actually continue to burn calories as my muscles repair themselves. Paired with the cardio I'm gonna do tomorrow and spin class on Wednesday, this is going to have a more lasting impact than just 3 days of the same cardio.

The muscle building is the element of this complete weight overhaul that is the hardest for girls to convince themselves to do I think. Although, I would rather do anything than run. Lol I was reading "women's health" and there was a tidbit in there that your body takes 28 days to get used to a new exercise, so you should switch things up every month or so. I really wanna add another class to my workout routine, but all the ones I would add are on Wednesday mornings. I prefer the mid morning classes because I don't have to get up at the butt crack of dawn, or come back to the gym after dinner. I would never actually go if that's when I planned to go. Not to mention on days that I work during the evening classes. Anyway. The point is, I need a Pilates or kickboxing class that I can go to not at single digit AMs or during/after dinner. Oh well, I'll figure it out. I'm just still at a bit of a weight plateau that I would like to get past.

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! Congrats on your progress!! Im not sure excatly what your diet is but might I suggest instead of avoiding carbs just avoiding simple carbs (like bread etc) and aim to eat your carbs from vegetables and fruits. Everyone needs carbs esp. when working out as much as you sound like you are. Carbs = energy just focus on eating nutrient dense carbs! Goodluck!
